Figür: 16 Haziran itibariyle European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control tarafından verilen dünya geneli SARS-CoV-2 vaka sayısı.

COVID-19 is a disease that caused a major pandemic worldwide after being transmitted to humans from an intermediary species by SARS-CoV-2, which is part of the coronavirus family. Shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic in the last quarter of March 2020, there was a significant increase in the number of cases in Turkey, paralleling the global trend. As of June 16, according to the latest report published by WHO the number of cases worldwide has exceeded 7 million, and the number of deaths has surpassed 400,000. Moreover, in many parts of the world, the spread of the so-called “second wave” of the pandemic has not yet started or progressed.

There has been a tremendous global collaborative effort to predict the progression of the outbreak, discover social measures (such as social distancing and masks), understand the susceptibility and mechanisms of the disease, and develop biological solutions (such as vaccines and drugs). Some of these efforts have been successful, some still require more data, and some have been deemed scientifically unviable. As a result of all these efforts, a vast amount of data ready for processing has emerged. We know that new data opens doors to new projects and new perspectives. At this point, the role of computational biology and bioinformatics is undeniable.

RSG Türkiye olarak rolümüz

Would you like to go beyond just reading about the pandemic of our century, SARS-CoV-2, and tracking case numbers, and instead shape and realize your project ideas while finding collaborators?

As the ISCB-SC-RSG Turkey team, we have initiated this effort to connect project leaders and volunteer researchers. We have 4 main goals:

  1. Connecting Project Owners with Talented Volunteers: Bridging the gap for project leaders who need team members and providing project experience for volunteers.
  2. Filling Team Gaps: Ensuring that project leaders find the team members they need, and offering project experience to volunteers.
  3. Being Part of a Global Solution: Contributing to the global solution for pandemics like SARS-CoV-19.
  4. Advancing Computational Biology and Bioinformatics in Turkey: Supporting the continuation and development of these fields in our country by collaborating with volunteers interested in computational biology and bioinformatics.

The application deadline for this call is Friday, July 3rd, at 23:59 TR time.


In the first three weeks, we will call for project leaders/ideas and evaluate the projects. For projects that have sufficient detail, there will be an additional two-week period to call for team members. Project groups will be communicated to those who proposed the project ideas. Immediately after the project leader-team matching, each project leader will briefly present their project via video conference. This way, you will have the opportunity to meet other groups and exchange ideas for your projects.

Participation Details

Who is a Project Leader, How to Become One, and What are Their Responsibilities?

Anyone who joins with an idea and project proposal can become a project leader (PL). After the deadline for project proposals, RSG Turkey will announce the projects with details, and you’ll be given an opportunity to form your team with interested colleagues. In short, as a PL, you will decide on the team members you want to work with; we will help you find these enthusiastic colleagues, complete your team, and realize your project!

Participation Form (Deadline: July 3, 2020, TSI 23:59)

Who is a Team Member, How to Become One, and What are Their Responsibilities?

Coming soon!

Project Details

Project proposals will be shared after the call closes. During the process, details about the projects, team information, and updates will also be shared on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What will the project timeline be like? In the first 3 weeks, we will call for project leaders/ideas and evaluate the projects. For projects with sufficient detail, there will be an additional two-week period to call for team members. Project groups will be communicated to those who proposed the project ideas. Immediately after the PL-team matching, each project leader will briefly present their project via video conference. This way, you will have the opportunity to meet other groups and exchange ideas for your projects.

2. Some of my team is already ready; can I call for the rest here? Absolutely!

3. I have a project draft but not enough time to be a project leader. Can I hand it over to another volunteer in the group? If the volunteer is as knowledgeable about the project as you are, yes, definitely!

4. Will there be regular meetings, or will we only meet when we finish our final goal? We expect groups to present progress reports at regular intervals. The frequency of these intervals will be voted on with group leaders.

5. Can we have beginner members in our group? If the PL wants it, of course! In fact, with internal training sessions, you can help us achieve the exact goal we aim for. Knowledge grows when shared!

6. What awaits us at the end? We believe the most important part is personal development. Additionally, depending on the progress and suitability of your project to the literature, you may announce it to a wider audience through a publication or an ISCB-RSG/international ISCB-SC webinar. Moreover, we aim to provide electronic certificates from ISCB-RSG to participants.

7. I don’t have a comprehensive idea; I want to join as a team member, not as a Project Leader. What should I do? After this call, there will be a two-week Team Member announcement. If you want to be notified immediately about this call, which will take place within a month, you can follow us on our social media accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook) or fill out the membership form on the RSG Turkey page and join our Slack channel to get instant updates.

8. I have a project draft but am not sure if it’s comprehensive enough. Should I still apply? Yes, you should apply and leave the evaluation to our team.

9. Will it cause issues if I want to develop and change parts of my project draft later? No. On the contrary, finalizing your project with the contributions of your team is one of the goals of this initiative. Collective effort brings forth not a simple force, but a force of ideas!

10. I have a project enthusiasm but no time. Should I still apply? We do not want project leaders who will abandon the project midway. Therefore, our first condition is continuity.

Have another question! Reach out to us at the subject “COVID-19 Working Group.”