21 September 2020 Batuhan Çakır Sex, Genes and Diplomonads: The Evolution of Sex-related Genes in Hexamita inflata – Begüm Serra Büyüktarakçı
12 August 2020 Batuhan Çakır Density based clustering and error correction of metabarcodes in Nanopore sequencing using the novel bioinformatics algorithm ASHURE – Bilgenur Baloğlu
12 August 2020 Batuhan Çakır The Impact of Protein Structure on Sequence Evolution – Julien Y. Dutheil
12 August 2020 Batuhan Çakır Projecting the Course of COVID-19 in Turkey: A Probabilistic Modeling Approach – Hüseyin Cahit Burduroğlu
3 July 2020 Batuhan Çakır Drivers of Genetic Diversity in Regions of Low Recombination – Kimberly Gilbert
17 June 2020 RSG Turkey Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Variants with INSaFLU and Galaxyproject – RSG-Turkey Active Members