Welcome to ISCB SC RSG Turkey’s Official Website!

Welcome to ISCB SC RSG Turkey’s official website!

Most of the people who contact us say “Do you still continue organising webinars with rshfjskh Turkey?”. This “rshfjskh” feeling comes, because, I come to the conclusion that, they do not know the abbreviation 🙂 So, here is the step by step tutorial for saying ISCB SC RSG Turkey without any struggle:

ISCB: International Society for Computational Biology
ISCB SC: International Society for Computational Biology Student Council
ISCB SC RSG: International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Regional Student Group
And here we are: ISCB SC RSG Turkey!


But why do we have such a long name?

Let me explain. Because, ISCB is the main organisation, in which a student council is functioning. RSG’s are connected to ISCB through SC, but not directly. This is why. For further information, please refer to previous links I mentioned at the beginning.

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