Welcome to ISCB SC RSG Turkey’s official website!
Most of the people who contact us say “Do you still continue organising webinars with rshfjskh Turkey?”. This “rshfjskh” feeling comes, because, I come to the conclusion that, they do not know the abbreviation 🙂 So, here is the step by step tutorial for saying ISCB SC RSG Turkey without any struggle:
ISCB: International Society for Computational Biology
ISCB SC: International Society for Computational Biology Student Council
ISCB SC RSG: International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Regional Student Group
And here we are: ISCB SC RSG Turkey!
But why do we have such a long name?
Let me explain. Because, ISCB is the main organisation, in which a student council is functioning. RSG’s are connected to ISCB through SC, but not directly. This is why. For further information, please refer to previous links I mentioned at the beginning.